Saturday, April 23, 2016

Finding Motivation?

I seem to be falling into a phase of early winter blues.
I mean you know when it hits winter and all you want to do is snuggle in bed, listen to the rain and watch Netflix, yeah that's how I feel right now.

I feel like I am letting myself down in terms of working out, eating well, being productive.
I don't know if it's my body telling me that I need to actually take time to slow down, particularly as I have been sleeping in a bit more (something that is extremely rare for me, I'm an early bird, always up by 7:30 at the latest) or if I just don't have the energy to get things done.

I have found particularly that my motivation towards working out has faded slightly, sure I'm still going to my group yoga and pilates classes but I'm not pushing myself to go a do my training routine on days I can have put aside to do it. Just today, I had told myself all day that I was going to go to the gym as soon as I go home from university but as I was going home on the bus, I managed to talk myself out of it, justifying that I had work to do. But in reality, I would have had enough time to go to the gym and come home get my work done, hey I'm writing this blog post now so I got my uni  stuff and housework done if I have time to start writing this. So why am I sabotaging myself into not going and doing something that will benefit me in the long run?

I actually have no clue.

I have also found that I have lost spirit in my presentation and cleaning of my room, I spend the last month of last year and the first few months of this year getting my room perfect for this year. Making it a space that inspired me and I made sure that I was cleaning it regularly, doing my washing on a schedule, making my bed etc But these last few weeks everything is slipping and yes you could say that I have been busy but I don't know if that is the case. I do seriously think I have lost motivation for what I was aiming to do this year and I need a kick up the rear to get myself back.

So how do I do this?

How do I find the motivation that I feel as though I am seriously lacking?

Okay, so this wasn't a proper blog post but I just wanted to talk about that sometimes we all have those days where we don't want to do anything but take cat naps and watch Netflix.
I am always on a continuous search to find my motivation, where it is. Instagram, Pinterest , YouTube, a good quote but sometimes that isn't always enough and you question why you push yourself so hard.

Something I'm struggling with at the moment is that when I don't have the motivation and do nothing is that I feel as though I haven't achieved anything and that I have failed the day. I know this isn't so and we all need those days to vege but how do I this idea of failure out of my head, just relax and know that my motivation will come back around the corner soon.

Anyway, I hope you all are having a fabulous day.
What are your favourite ways to stay motivated? Do you feel like to need to achieve something every day to feel successful?

Love Louise xo

'Just Keep Swimming'
Dory, Finding Nemo

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