Wow, I cannot believe that Christmas has come and gone. The hustle and bustle, food and presents are over for another year. I love this season, full of such love, joy, and excitement. I love researching present ideas for friends and family, find a theme to my wrapping paper, planning out my Christmas lunch menu and decorating my house.
This year instead of rushing around the shops of Boxing Day, I took a chill day and spent it binge watching movies and Youtube videos. Particularly a lot of 'What I Got For Christmas' videos. I love these videos, not only cause they are fun to watch but also cause I'm super nosey and it's interesting to see how the other half lives.
So this year I thought I would do a blog post around the same thing, so aside from vouchers and money I received, here is what I got.
Now this is not be bragging in any way, shape or form, I just thought that you followers might be as nosey as I am. This is also a way of showing my appreciation to everyone who gave